Suprema - Discontinued
Suprema - Discontinued
- Decorative Wall
- Patio & Terrace
- Garden
- Pool Deck
- Outdoor Water Feature
- Outdoor Fire Feature
Tremendous shear strength, durability and aesthetics make the Suprema retaining wall system an ideal choice for ICI and residential applications. The Suprema retaining wall system comes in two different finishes; either a straight split or sculpted face. Both can be used in combination or separate to create segmental retaining walls with visual interest. Suprema has many interlocking options: First, an independent mechanical connector that locks the robust units together, second, cavity fill interlock using aggregate materials and lastly its tremendous shear strength. A Square faced foot unit measuring 8”x18” allows for speedy installation and results in a grand appearance. The patented clip system allows for the wall to be built vertical or set back, according to your soil conditions, and allow for live or dead loads in the proximity of the tow or top of the wall. Best of all, Suprema is compliant with the ICC Evaluation Service LLC (ICC-ES). The confirmation is published in evaluation report ESR-3060 and is available online at Suprema is part of the dry cast collection.
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